Trouble Understanding Introverted Person? These 30 Thoughts They Have Can Help You! Funny For Some But So Damn True Especially #4!

We’re perfectly born to be perfectly different from each other. It’s uniqueness. If there are people who love to go out and see the world, there are the opposite of them- those who have their own world. Those introverted person.

Shy, quiet, anti-social, taciturn, boring, deliberate… those are just some of the adjectives pertaining to introverted individuals like me. But does it hurt us? No. Well, simply because those are all true and we’re happy to admit it.

We love to stay at home and just do nothing because as far as we believe, spending our time outside with those who don’t understand us is a waste. Want to know more about us introverts?

Try reading some of our maxims and you’ll get to know and understand us better.

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