These 20 People Are Having a Really Bad Day I Feel Hilariously Sorry For Them. #8’s a Total Mess!

When things didn’t turn out the way we expect them to happen, our day becomes totally ruined. But for some, they chose to make fun out of their failures rather than be ravaged by the unlucky experiences.

Now, what if these happen to you? What would your reaction be?

#1. Of all places, why here?

People Having a Really Bad Day

 #2. Luckily, he was still able to maneuver the car.

People Having a Really Bad Day

#3. Now you know this bed is too bouncy.

People Having a Really Bad Day

#4. When rockets fail to launch.

People Having a Really Bad Day

#5. This man is so mad he even hurt himself.

People Having a Really Bad Day

#6. Maybe she’s taking pills that’s why she becomes forgetful.

People Having a Really Bad Day

#7. The perfect headbang!

People Having a Really Bad Day

#8. Did I just saw Superman?

People Having a Really Bad Day

#9. The reason why I don’t like Yo-yo’s.

People Having a Really Bad Day

#10. Better luck next time.

People Having a Really Bad Day

#11. Warning: Slippery when wet!

People Having a Really Bad Day

#12. Was she heavy or the trampoline is weak?

People Having a Really Bad Day

#13. Warning: Watch your steps!

People Having a Really Bad Day

#14. Don’t play with fire specially when friends are near.

People Having a Really Bad Day

#15. Someone’s got lucky with random people on the internet.

People Having a Really Bad Day

#16. Can somebody get the ball, please!

People Having a Really Bad Day

#17. She already knows how strong her power punch is.

People Having a Really Bad Day

#18. Captain America Wanna-Be? Hmmm…

People Having a Really Bad Day

#19. This is how a serving spoon full cinnamon powder tastes like.

People Having a Really Bad Day

#20. This is what you get when you’re not following instructions. His worst day, EVER!

People Having a Really Bad Day

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