Honey For Living: What They are Doing is Really Risk-Taking… And Life Threatening

Honey hunting is not an easy task among the villagers and natives from the foothills of Himalayas who were used to risk their own lives just to ensure enough amount of honey will be collected.

But the honey hunters from Gurung tribe from Himalayas who were stuck in the sticky situation could not afford but to take the risk in order to survive.

The honey hunters are fond of collecting honey regardless of the safety gears. Men from the local tribe used ladder, basket, rope and smoke instead in order to collect a bunch of honey a day.

The ancient tradition among the natives of Himalayas has been considered as a part of daily living. One of the members of the group stabbed the house of the bees. Then the rampage bees started to panic due to the thick smoke released by the villagers.

Others stated that the most difficult tasked assigned is to become a cutter. The villagers are obliged to wore a suit and then clinched for at least 50-meter ladder rope.

Other members of the honey hunters then used bamboo sticks or commonly termed as “tangos,” used to collect the nectar from he honeybees.

Honey for Living

Tribe men used to gather the honey with the use of a ladder rope, tangos or bamboo stick and a basket hailed by a rope lifted above

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Thick smoke covered the cliff to allow the tribe men gather the honey

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A young member of the clan feasts on the honey, fresh from the beehive.

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After a risk-taking escapade, the members of the tribe feasted in a bunch of honey to regain strength.

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The life-threatening activity also ventures a lot of sacrifices.

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The piece of honey is much more enjoyable with aid of a fire.

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A member of the tribe watches over his fellow mounting on a 200ft cliff

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The honey collected is being placed inside a dry basket which is escorted down the cliff with the bamboo

Photo Credit: Andrew Newey

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