You’ll Miss Your Whole Life Without Looking At These 50 Most Influential And Striking Photos In The History.. These Changed The World So Much.. And Will Change Yours Now!

Everything did happened for a reason, and will continuously happen for a reason. For over the years,we had experienced everything that can possibly happen here on Earth. The chaos brought by the endless war, the impossible explorations and discoveries made by man, the painful attacked brought by Mother Earth’s avenge, the tragedies of losing one’s … Read more

This Photographer Sets Off Into The Sea To Capture His Enormous Subject.. The Waves! Very Artistic!

In order to acquire one’s photographer’s workmanship, a subject or a theme for photography is needed. If some photographers would love to take shots of the beauty of a naked body, most are engaged in capturing Earth’s beauty, particularly of nature. Animals, flowers, trees, sunset, sky, landscapes, seas.. but Photographer Clark Little regards for something … Read more

Artists Do Exists Even Before Stone Age.. And These Preserved 36,000 Years Old Cave Paintings Are The Evidences.. Amazing!

Artists doesn’t wait for the right time to let the whole world know about their talent. Frankly, there’s no such ‘right’ time for them. Even if they’re born the time even before Jesus Christ did, they’re innately born with amazing talent anyone can’t take. As scientists look for evidences of the whereabouts of people from … Read more