Clever Street Artist Creates ‘Rainworks’, An Invisible Art That Shows Up When It Rains

Rain, as far as everyone believes, symbolizes gloomy feeling. Whenever it rains, it feels like the heaven is angry and people are sad about it. Because of its label, we tend to just stay out of the street whenever rain sets in.

Peregrine Church, a Seattle-based street artist, wants to change that misconception, so he made the rainy day a special one through his rain-activated street art. Whenever the rain will pour, a very unique and beautiful art comes alive on the street that makes everyone smile passing on it. Check the video below:

It is called ‘Rainworks’, an invisible art that only shows up when it’s wet which was created by the use of super hydrophobic coating that repels water and heavy oils. Church made this street art to let people smile during rainy days and it’s effective as ever.

Who wouldn’t love rain with it? Like what you have watched? Share this to your friends online to cheer them up like you always do.

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