Son’s Super Hero Dream Came True. Witness How THIS Father Showed his Love & Showcased his Animation Skills

Japanese Dad Daniel Hashimoto worked in one of Hollywood’s most popular studio, Dreamworks as an animator. His son James wanted to be a superhero since the day he started learning that his dad could do amazing things through his job. 

The dream of the animator dad’s son came into reality with some tweaks featuring his lovely son as he turned him into an epic superhero with the use of an Adobe software. The results were simply amazing and his son was so amazed with the results, as he felt the love of his father by turning his dreams into reality.

The brilliant work of Daniel Hashimoto is featured on their official YouTube Channel ‘Action Movie Kid‘ as it amassed thousands of views after it was posted online.

The Lightsaber Kids

Here’s some of the video showcasing Dad’s Love to His Son by Turning Him into a Super Hero:

May The Force Be With You:


Here Comes the Super Hero Kid with a Grappling Gun:


The Super Hero’s Gun at Toys ‘R’ Us:


The Lego Blaster:


The Matrix Kids:


McDonalds Playplace:


Danger Wet Floors:


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