Do It Yourself Independence Day Cute Nails

Fourth of July is one of the most important days in the United States of America. There will be a lot of events held that is connected with Independence day.So, the question is are your nails 4th of July ready? Well no worries this video will show you on how to make your nails pretty … Read more

Less Painful When Hammering Nails Hack

Trying to do some “do it yourself” carpentry when fixing the wooden chair? it is not uncommon to miss the nail and mash a finger. Hammering your thumb accidentally is indeed painful, Sometimes even thinking about it already hurts. So what are the possible things that we can do to avoid hammering your thumb? This … Read more

Watercolor Nail Art Design Perfect For Your Nails This Spring

Girls love to work on their beauty and fashion as always, and with that, they can’t help but follow tutorials on how to feel more comfortable with themselves. Internet is filled with beauty and fashion tutorials and one of them is nail art tutorials done by Youtuber HelloMaphie. Here’s her watercolor nail art design that … Read more