This Cardist Doing His Card Tricks Is Really Amazing. No Wonder Why He Won For The 5th Time.

Are you familiar about that competition called as the World Kardistry? It is a competition for those people who are considered as the professional cardists. This will start from 32 candidates. And then later they will be eliminated until such time that only one of them will be left.

The competition requires the contestants to produce a video showing their amazing card trick talent. They will be competing with each other until on of them will be left. As such, he will then be considered as the Champion.

Now, I’ll be showing you the 5 time winner of the said card competition. However, his face is not shown to the video, his talent and skills will be enough after all. He had won since 2009-2013 in the said competition. Oh well, he might have been great indeed. You can prove it on the video below.

Actually, it’s not about showing magic (I guess) but showing what can you to to the cards that will entertain and amaze people, those people who will be watching you performing it. Indeed, this man able to achieve it. No wonder why he won.

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