Twins Shares Everything. You Will Never Expect The Things They Share With Each Other!!

We have been raised by our parents when we were kids together with our brothers and sisters. Most of the time, we are sharing our toys and stuff to our siblings as long as it is not yet broken. It is really nice to have a sister or a brother that will understand you and help you in times of difficulties!

Most of us like seeing identical twins because they really look like each other! Most of the parents would like their baby twins to have the same clothes! Just like this twins, they share a lot of things even they are already adult!

Amy and Becky Glass from Los Angeles, USA are twins; they share phone, bedroom, Facebook account, food and even boyfriend? They got to be kidding me!

They were 46-year-old and wear the same outfit every day in slightly different colors.

They haven’t been apart for more than 30 minutes in 15 years; both of them have been eating and drinking the same amount of food by carefully weighing out meals and pouring drinks using measuring cups!

If you have a twin, do you also do this one with your twin brother or sister? Is it normal or not? It is kind of weird but funny!
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