Learn How Your Brain Works By Taking This Math Test – So Cool


Many of us have been searching for answers on how our brain amazingly performs many things in our body. Our brain is responsible for different tasks which include receiving information from all the parts of the body, interpreting all the information given then decides how the body must react in response to the information. Clearly, our brain works 24/7 just like other organs of the body.


Have you ever wondered how you could smell, taste, see, hear, and feel things? The brain does that on lightning speeds! Some research says that the brain could be faster that the computer you’re using now is capable of storing data as big as or even larger than the Internet. Wow!

Now, keeping the mind sharp is really important so that one might be as effective as possible. Just like a knife, the sharper, the better!

That’s why, there are there activities and games made in order to challenge and make the brain work. Some of these are scrabble, chess, brain puzzles, etc. Among these things include optical illusions.


Optical illusions or visual illusions are kinds of images that “differ from the objective reality.” Since the eye gathers all the information from the images, it is then perceived by the brain differently. It simply tricks your brain until such time, you will realize the real objective of the sources.

How about trying this now? Try these simple math calculations without using a calculator. You can do this! Solve this eight calculations then continue answering the follow-up questions below. Game? Let’s go!


As the test then states, about ninety-eight percent of all those taking the test will think of a red hammer or some variation of a hammer of any color or any red tool. Here’s the explanation why you did so.

Choosing the red hammer proves the theory of G.A. Miller about Cognitive load theory. He stated that, “human memory has limits to what it can process at once. This same theory is the basis for arguments that teaching is best done when a student’s mind is not overloaded with information that doesn’t relate to learning.

For example, one cannot concentrate walking while he’s thinking or performing other tasks.

Another theory supports this happening. The Prototype theory made by Eleanor Rosch states that “when people of a similar culture learn a word, most will share the same primary examples of that word.” That could be the reason why people would just choose the red hammer because it’s what others thought.

To conclude, there are still so many things in our world that we need to learn and know. Think, think, think!

It’s really a good thing that our minds are sharp enough.

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