This Old Man On The Beach Did Not Notice That There’s Actually A Wedding Ceremony Beside Him. So Then, The Result Is Really An Epic Fail

We can’t deny the fact that in some moments of our lives, there’s really that something or somebody who acts epic, who act very funny in the simplest way possible. Of course, they won’t be aware that much on it.

Like what this man just did. I guess, he is concentrating that much on his thought of refreshing in the beach. As such, he did not noticed that there’s actually a current wedding ceremony to the place. Of course, for the couple, this is a solemn ceremony, not as much with this old man.

As the said couple is concentrating to their wedding ceremony, this old man walked by and then started to take his coat and then went to the surface of the water. He actually don’t care to what is currently happening beside him, what he just want is to take a bath. Watch the funny video below.

With this, instead of putting the attention to the beach wedding of the couple, it will be for the old man. As such, even though he is not that much aware on what he is doing, he still made people laugh for it.

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