Woman Claims She Found A Mouse In Her Favorite Coffee – The World-Known Coffee Shop Responds

When we’re stressed, many of us go to coffee shops to take a sip of our favorite blend. But, what would you feel if you found out that there’s something in your coffee will surely disgust you? This is what a woman named Jessa who claims she found a whole mouse on her Starbucks coffee.

Jessa told the whole story on Philippine’s ABS-CBN newscast, “TV Patrol” last January 26, 2016. She told TV patrol that she went and ordered an iced coffee from Starbucks Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City. As she’s enjoying her drink, Jessa noticed something hard inside.

According to Jessa, upon stirring the drink, she then saw the mouse. She doesn’t know what to do on that moment after. She just let herself throw up while trembling. She then went to the police to file the incident.

Here’s TV Patrol’s report of a woman who claims to have found a mouse in her favorite coffee.

Here’s how Starbucks responded to the incident.
Starbucks coffee with mouse

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Video from ABS-CBN News.

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