This Could Be The Most Awkward Break-Up Ever…Watching This Video Will Literally Give You Mixed Emotions…

We can’t by ourselves alone. All of us just need each other in order to live and survive here on Earth. We need to communicate and relationship with our fellow. Sometimes, this relationship goes deeper and become more intimate. This results in a next level of relationship and the two become a couple. But, like any other relationship, sometimes undergo difficulties and trials, then, some just end up breaking up. An example is this couple who broke up while riding a roller coaster. Yeah, in a roller coaster!

Watch this confusing video of a break up of a couple in while riding a roller coaster. Your feelings will be mixed up, I’m sure!

Oh, that was funny, unexpected, pitiful, rude, and others. What did you felt about that?

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(h/t: Moses Storm )

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