Three Mannequins Posing On A Store’s Window, Now Watch What The Mannequin In Between Does

I bet you have seen a mannequin before and even today. Any store which sells any kinds of clothes have this weird-looking dummies that are dressed like people and are being flaunt on store’s windows to attract buyers. Mannequins are of different kinds- some don’t have heads and others have distorted body parts.

These mannequins can sometimes scare us, and how much more if they can move their body with the beat of music? Would you run or stay to watch the whole scenario? Take this mannequin from Korea who is, in reality, a woman named Poppin Joo MinJeong pretending to be weird but when music gets into, she started dancing her amazing dubstep moves.

What would you do if you see a mannequin dancing like this? Share us your thoughts by leaving a comment below and share this to your friends online to cheer them up like you always do.

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