The Reason Why This Guy Hide In The Back Door Of Their Refrigerator Will Really Make You Laugh. He’s Big But Afraid

There would really be that person even though they look so strong and so big who is afraid of simple and little things. It would be weird to think and believe but that’s the truth.

As such, I will show you this funny video of a strong looking man who is afraid of that boiling oil in the frying pan. He is about to cook certain food on their stove. This time, there’s a need for him to use oil. Since he is afraid of it, his reaction is really very funny.

On that time that he realized that it’s about time for him to use and put the food in the boiling oil, he prepared himself so much for the possible reaction of the oil to the food. Knowing that he will be hurt by it, he just throw the food and then… Watch the video below.

He just cover himself with the door of their refrigerator. Well actually. the reaction of the boiling oil is not much as how he thinks it to be. In fact, his reaction is really a kind of an over reaction thing. Really.

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