This Man Is Now 80 Years Old.. But For The Past 60 Years, He Hasn’t.. Bathed Himself?! OMG.

Being clean means only one thing- healthy living. And to be clean, one MUST take responsibility of the body God has given him. Like what the Bible says, “We, ourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in our midst” (1 Corinthians 3:16), so we’re obliged to take good care of our body whatever may be the costs.

And to get cleanse, a person is always compel with one of main ways to get rid of dirt in the body- taking a bath. It’s no wonder, taking a bath is recommended EVERY day, not once a week, a month or a year. (But just in case water is insufficient, then you got a reason to pass. LOL)

I’m just wondering. How would it feel if you won’t take a bath for so long? For like 1 year? Don’t you think you’ll survive it? For me, I don’t think so, and I don’t want that to happen, either. But there’s actually this one man in Iran that claimed to hasn’t take a bath for almost 60 years. Yes. Unbelievable.

Meet 80 year-old Amoo Hadji..

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Amoo lives in the village of Dezhgah (city of Farashband in Fars province of Iran) and he, well, hasn’t bathe himself for almost 60 years..

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 As you can see, Amoo is very different to look at: his skin is scaly, you can barely see his eyes and for sure, he smells..

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His hands are full of dirt, rough.. and scaly..


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Amoo doesn’t have any skin disease or any terrible condition.. he he has just refused to take a bath..


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Sadly, this Iranian man lives alone..

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He can’t barely walk on his feet..


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He enjoys smoking in the steel pipe, which is his only possession..


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Nobody knows why he hasn’t bathed in decades..


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He lives in such fairly primitive and simple life..


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But I hope that one day, Amoo will realize the life that he lives..

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We may not know Amoo’s reason for not taking a bath, and we know that it was his chosen path.. but although it is, let’s all pray for his health and life. He has no family to depend on, and I’m sure he also need love, even from us strangers. May God always bless you, Amoo.

Source Credit: Reddit

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