You Could’ve Been Doing These Things Before You Sleep…Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Tonight.

When we arrive from work or school, our tendency is to grab some dinner and rest to bed right after some other activities. We might be doing some more activities, but the experts say that we should avoid doing some particular things or routine before we go to bed.

While we think we enjoy a good rest, we might take for granted of some routines that we do before grabbing the pillows and blanket.
We might be guilty of any of these, but for the benefits of having a good sleep—these might compromise it.

1. Performing Physical Exercises


Exercise is vital activity that involves much of our physical effort. While it is essential in our health, performing such before bedtime could actually raise our body temperature and make sleepy off more difficult. Exercise is best done earlier in the day.

2. Watching TV or surfing the web

The thing here is that, the pre-slumber screen time can impede your body’s ability to fall asleep. The bright lights of the screens can decrease the production of melatonin that is responsible as the sleeping hormone.

3. Drinking Plenty of Liquids

While you shouldn’t go to bed thirsty you should not drink too much also. The result might be the disrupted sleep because of your body’s tendency for bathroom breaks.

4. Reading Engrossing Stories

Reading could actually take a lot of your time, especially your sleeping time. While reading could sometime be boring, those which are interesting could make you awake the longer time.

5. Having Serious Conversation

Most of us would love to hit the phone while on bed. While some conversation would run happily, there are that would make you still think even if you already brought the phone down. According to research, your emotion that you could acquire from a conversation could preserve your emotions until you awake especially those which are from a fight.

These keys are very helpful especially if you are running for a good sleep. Thank you so much for considering this. This might also help your friends, please share.

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