Itchy And Irritated Skin? Don’t Let These Simple Home Remedies Pass Your Fingertips.

If you notice your skin running red and itchy, then there must be something wrong. With the occurring small bums or changes in the texture of your skin, it must be skin rashes.

skin rashes

Skin rashes could result with various causes like allergies, insect bites, excessive sweating among others and it could occur at any part of your body and could be widely distributed on large portions. So before it could go worst, cure the minor yet irritating problem with these simple home remedies.

home remedies

1. Aloe Vera
It has an anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal components that treat all types of skin problems. Just apply the fresh gel into the rashes for a quick relief.

2. Olive Oil
It moisturizes the skin and facilitates healing as it renews the skin. It is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants. By applying, it soothes the skins by reducing the itching.

3. Baking Soda
Aside from relieving the itching and inflammation caused by rashes, baking soda helps dry out skin rashes. However, experts suggest not to leave baking soda longer in the skin for it may cause further irritation.

4. Oatmeal
Due to its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, oatmeal alleviates skin irritation and inflammation. (Oatmeal mixed in warm water and applied to the skin.)

5. Ice (Cold Compress)
Rashes which are caused by heat, insect bites and poisonous plants can be best eased through a cold compress. It helps itching, swelling and inflammation. Best applied to rashes before it could develop into blisters. (Apply in a sealed plastic bag or cloth.)

If none in the above mentioned remedies work for your case, it is better to see a specialist to look at it.

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