Does Bad Breath Ruin Your Confidence? It’s Time To Take These Home Remedies.

Halitosis or commonly known as bad breath could happen to anyone at any age. There can be a lot of reasons why bad breath exists. The foods you eat, smoking, dry mouth, gum disease and even your habit, are just among the reasons why.

bad breath

But instead of struggling to find out what could be best to do and spend a lot, why not try these simple and easy home remedies. Don’t get too far when the solution is just near you, or in your home.

The primary reason of bad breath is the bacteria, so these home remedies will fight against the primary cause that builds up between your teeth or on your tongue.

1. Cinnamon contains cinnamic aldehyde responsible for reducing the amount of bacteria in your mouth. It covers up bad breath. It could be boiled into a cup of water and used as a mouth rinse after straining.

2. Lemon Juice’s acidic content prevents the growth of bacteria in our mouth. Its smell also masks the bad odor.

Aside from considering the above home remedies, you could also try doing these things.

a. Brush and floss more often
Plaque collects bacteria that cause bad breath, so brushing it away helps a lot.

b. Rinse your mouth out
Mouthwash plays an important role to in masking the odor but be sure you are using the mouthwash that also kills germs.

c. Scrape your tongue
As we have said, bacteria could also form in your tongue. Brushing your tongue could uncoil the hosting smelly bacteria.

There are also things that you should avoid to make sure you got the fresher breath.

a. Get rid of smoking habit
Smoking could not only damage your gums but it could also stain your teeth and cause bad breath.

b. Avoid mints after eating
Sugar coated after-dinner mints cause bacteria to make acid to wear down your teeth and cause bad breath.

But if none of the above suggestions work out for you, seeing a doctor is the best you could do to find out if there are other related medical condition towards your continuing bad breath.

Thank you so much for dropping by. For some more of our health advices and reminders, just visit our website more often. Have a healthy day!

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