This Is What Your Hot Drink Is Doing To Your Body…You Might Be Taking A Lot Of Sugar.

Every morning, we tend to grab some cups of coffee or perhaps rush any other hot drink we could grab before going to office or work. When you are rushing your time in the morning, it must be the kind of moment when you reach for a hot drink. However, these easy-to-grab cups of drinks we usually get over the counter may because you more price at the till.

Did you know that the drink you buy at the coffee shop could contain up to 25 teaspoons of sugar per serving? Well, that is most likely a lot of sugar you get than frm the sugar in one can of Coke and more than three times the maximum adult is recommended to just take.

You may not know and notice it, but the sugary hot drinks are doing something in your body. The health risks could sum up to both short and long terms. According to Dr. Toby Goldstone from Imperial College London, an endocrinologist and obesity expert, here are the effects of your hot drink to your body:

  1. An hour later

Rapid pulse could be noticed as when you are consuming sugar in hot drinks, it is easy to drink a large volume of liquid in short time and any sugar it contains is rapidly absorbed into the body. You might be feeling “a bit sweaty, a bit sick, and disoriented,” the doctor said. Drinking your sugary hot drink could also spike up your levels in the blood. In the event, what goes up must come down.

  1. After a year of consuming sugary hot drink everyday

Insulin resistance could happen in the event that one had been drinking sugary drinks regularly. Goldstone pointed out the higher risk of diabetes. While out body could only cater an amount of calories, the rest of it however are stored as fat which could also build around the guts and in the liver and pancreas.

“Fat is a very active organ, it releases lots of chemicals and hormones that are damaging to health and cause inflammation,” Goldstone says.

  1. After 10 years

If you have been consuming sugary hot drink for a decade now, then you must be 10 kilos behind your weight years ago. But the worst is when you are at the middle age is you are significantly at risk in diabetes. What is quite frightening is over the span of years, you get to develop fats around your important organs without you knowing it.

Although the size won’t actually reveal it, Goldstone in his study was shocked seeing middle-aged men who sit in their offices after scanning their livers and abdomens.

According to him, while we enjoy the sugary drinks, inactivity plus the alcohol and genetics could work together to increase the health risks. He added that exercise is the key.

“You may not lose much weight when you exercise, but you may have more muscle and less fat. Exercise helps get rid of fat in the liver and tummy — fat in the liver is very sensitive to exercise. Fit and fat is better than not fat and unfit,” he said.


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