Wants An Organized Kitchen? Be Sure To Save Time And Sane Also With These Amazing Kitchen Tips.

Staying in the kitchen and being a chef takes a heart for cooking. But of course being a cook doesn’t just go with how you prepare meals but you have to be a good kitchen manager too especially in organizing everything that involves cooking and eating.

kitchen tips

While you think you already got some necessary skills needed inside the kitchen and in making things done the easy way, there are still a lot of things that you might not know. Prepping, cooking and backing got a lot of predicaments. And as a wife kitchen manager even in your house, these kitchen hacks will be a lot helpful.

Surprisingly, you will learn too that there are a lot of easier ways than what you usually practice.

1. How to keep potatoes white
Cover shredded or diced potatoes with cold water before cooking to prevent the spuds from turning that gross grayish/brown caused by the release of a starch that


2. How to slow down rotting
Store tomatoes stem end down to keep them from spoiling as quickly. This prevents air from entering and moisture from exiting the scar where the tomato once attached to the vine. Storing them at room temperature rather than in the fridge also makes them last longer.


3. Keeping brown sugar soft and scoopable
Prevent brown sugar from hardening by tossing an orange peelor a slice of apple along with the sugar into an airtight container. For a quick fix, microwave brown sugar next to a small glass of water. The moisture within the microwave will help break up the block of sweetener.

4. How to determine if the egg is still edible
Gently place raw eggs in a bowl of cold water to see if they’ve gone bad. If the egg sinks to the bottom, it’s a-OK. If it floats, it has seen better days. Over time, the liquid inside eggs evaporates through the porous shell, leaving a gas bubble inside. The floatier it is, the older it is.

5. Use ice-cream to scoop out squash seeds

6. How to peel Potatoes without peeler
By boiling it and then giving it an ice bath, the skin will separate from the potatoey center and you can pick it right off.

7. Grating cheese easier and less messy
Before grating semisoft cheeses such as fontina and fresh mozzarella, freezing it for about 30 minutes.

8. How to deal with hard-to-open jars
To open a stuck jar lid, wrap the lid with a rubber band and give it another try. The band will provide extra traction. If that’s still not enough (or your hands hurt too much), cover the rubberbanded top with a dishtowel, and try again.

9. How to clean pans without causing rust
Clean cast-iron with a salt scrub to remove stuck-on bits of food.

10. Put Off Fire Using baking soda
Before stopping, dropping, and rolling, sprinkle baking soda onto a mall grease or electrical fire to extinguish the flames. When heated, baking soda releases carbon dioxide, which helps stifle the fire.

We hope these kitchen tips from http://greatist.com/ are a lot helpful. Don’t miss our updates. For some more of our life tips, don’t forget to visit our website more often and kindly hit the LIKE button to subscribe. Thank you so much for dropping by. Have a nice day ahead.

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