Learn How To Deep Fry Ice Cream By Following This Simple Recipe

Ice cream is considered as one of the most favorite and loved desserts of most people. It has creamy flavor, refreshing and melts in your tongue. There’s no way people won’t like eating ice cream especially kids.

But do you know that ice cream can be fry? Yes. If you’re not familiar with it and don’t know how to make one, here’s a simple recipe from Nicko’s Kitchen that you can follow. Check it out:

On this recipe, of course, you need ice cream, egg wash and bread crumbs. Easy, isn’t it? So, try turning your ice cream into crispy dessert by frying it. This, for sure, is incredibly palatable.

Do you also want to try this fried ice cream? Let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment below and if you like this post, share this to your friends online to cheer them up like you always does.

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