Guy Talks To Some Strangers And Says “You Change” In The End Of Their Conversation

you change
We all love making fun with other people; we do hilarious things to that often make them feel embarrassment. Some guys have big guts to fool strangers in public places by making fun of their selves; the reactions of those unsuspected people in the end are priceless.

Are you one of the guys who love watching crazy and funny pranks online? If you are, here is another one that you need to watch. This video was uploaded by the channel ThatWasEpic on YouTube where you can find some of the weirdest prank videos online. In this episode, you’ll see how this guy talks to some strangers and tells them something they never expected.

This guy sits and stands beside these people and says something weird, the weirdest part of his prank is by the time he says “You Changed” in the end of their conversation. They never thought this guy is just making fun of them, he’s crazy.
(h/t: ThatWasEpic)

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