Tired of Liar Friends? There Are Actually Signs. Watch This!

Telling lies are actually normal to people. Some do it to hide their feelings. Some do it to save himself. But there are lies that is in need of truth.

Have you ever gone into a situation that you feel that someone is lying to you? Actually, there are ways to determine if someone is really lying to you. You should watch this. It may help you.

This video tells us that lying can actually be determined. There are some signs that may help you in determining.

First is the eye movement.

It is explained from both left and right handed person. If your friend is a right handed person, he is lying if he looks in the right upper side. When he’s a left handed person, he must probably be lying if he look in the left upper side. Someone may also be lying if they blink a little, if they close their eyes slowly or if they blink a lot. They may also be lying if they break an eye contact to you.

Someone may probably be lying if they hide some of their body parts.

It may also be determined through grooming.

Lying can also be determined through hand and head  movements.

Someone may probably be lying through audible cues. If they clear their throat or swallow before answering a question, it may be a good sign of lying. Also, if he raises his vocal pitch.

May this video be useful to you if you want to determine if someone is lying or not.

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