Criticize Constructively Through This Friendly Reminder

Do you find it difficult to express yourself in the most polite and respectful manner when correcting somebody? Well, you might find this steps helpful.

constructive criticism

Bear in mind the difference between constructive and destructive criticism. Stick to the idea that you have something to tell with intention to help and not to cause discouragement.

constructive criticism

Express good intentions. The reason of critiquing a work is to help for improvements. Remember that your intentions will always reflect on the way you speak and deliver your message.

Constructive criticism

Consider if the criticism is applicable for the current time. If not that necessary, leave it and considering delivering the message next time.

Constructive criticism

Identify if you have the right person to criticize. Are you the person in position to tell the feedback? If not, then maybe, it is not acceptable for you to talk even your purpose is to help.

Constructive criticism

Lastly, choose the place and time to criticize. Since each human is entitle with its own ego, then avoid giving criticisms in places and time inappropriate to be heard by others.

It is always important to consider someone’s emotion to deliver criticism constructively. Just stay positive with your motive, intentions, words, and manner and that would guarantee constructive criticisms.

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