16 Of The Most Creative Modern Animal Totem Designs

A totem is a spirit being, sacred object, or symbol of a tribe, clan, family or individual. Native  beleives that a totem animal is one that is with you for life both physical and spiritual life.

They are created to be a symbols that offers power and wisdom to the individuals and  they are created withe respect.

Sometimes, in addition to the symbolism of a particular animal, the animal may be placed on a pole as a result of a special gift from the animal, fish, or bird spirits.

The meaning of many totem poles has been lost over time.  as our generation grows it also broght change to the lives of the people .

But as a clarification, Totems and their figures have never been worshiped like a religious icon might be. They were also never used to ward off evil spirits. Instead, a totem pole may be compared to the symbolism portrayed by a Coat of Arms.

Here are some of the examples of creative modern animal totems.



White wolf statue

White wolf statue

Toothless Night Fur

Toothless Night Fur

Red Fox

Red Fox

Pronghorn antelope

Pronghorn antelope by hontor

Night and Fire fox

Night and Fire fox



Large Lizard Gecko

Large Lizard Gecko



humpback whale 

humpback whale by hontor

Grey Fox 

Grey Fox Totem



Cat Eastern Dragon

Cat Eastern Dragon

Big Manticore

Big Manticore

African grey parrot

african grey parrot

Yellow-Throated Marten

- Yellow-Throated Marten

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