Here Are 10 Sweet Surprising Signs That Your Boyfriend Is Your Friend

Many people believed that a lover isn’t only need to be your special someone but meant to be your very best friend who is your better half at anything. There are couples which relationship started as best friends and it works out very well for both of them.

But if your boyfriend didn’t start as your friend at first, and if you want to figure out if he became as one, here are 10 sweet surprising signs to tell:

1. You love a lot of the same hobbies.

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2. You know each other so well that you order for each other.

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3. They are the first person you call with good news, bad news, or anything interesting.

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4. If you ever need sound advice, they are the one you go to.

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5. You finish each other sentences before the other even finishes.

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6. You can read each others minds just by looking at each other.

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7. You have your own inside jokes that can crack you up at any time anywhere.

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8. You made up a secret handshake and aren’t embarrassed to do it in front of anyone.

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9. He’s your best friend and you love to share everything together, even gossip.

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10. You have the most fun together, more than with anyone else.

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