If You’re Thinking That Everyone Of Us Can Access Youtube, You’re Totally Wrong! There Are Actually 10 Countries Who Have Blocked It. Wanna Know Why?

We come to think of the fact that everyone loves Youtube. Everyone can access it anywhere in the world. Everyone can upload their own videos in this site. Everyone could learn through this site. But I’ll tell you, there’s actually 10 countries who have blocked it. Perhaps, they have their own reasons that is based on their beliefs and practices.

These are the 10 countries.

1. Brazil. It happened because of the lawsuit of a model named Daniela Cicarelli in 2007.


2. Turkey. It was because of the videos that insulted Turkishness. It happened between 2007-2010.


3. Germany. It was because of rights disputes that means clips with major label music, even in it’s background are blocked.


4. Libya. It was banned in 2010 for the videos of anti-government demonstrators. However, access was restored in 2011.


5. Thailand. It was because of the 44-second slideshow of the defaced photos of Thailand’s King. It lasted for 5 months in 2007.


6. Turkmenistan. Though they block Youtube, they did not give the official reason why.


7. China. There are strict rules for web videos since it was banned in 2009.


8. North Korea. In which only few elites can only access the real internet.

North Korea

9. Iran. It was due to the protest in 2009 Presidential elections.


10. Pakistan. It was currently blocked because of anti-Islamic “Innocence of Muslims” clip which was uploaded in 2012.


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