25 Photos Of Most Epic Cosplayers Of All Time

Cosplaying entails cosplayers to mimic the appearance of the character that they wanted to impersonate.

There are some cosplayers that you can find as really amazing when it comes to making impression of the characters they wanted to copy, however, there are some who would like to represent them is such a way that you will never expect.

Take a look on some photos below as you are going to see some of the most epic cosplayers.

1. Finn from “Adventure Time”

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2. R2-D2

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3. The Simpsons

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4. I haven’t seen this guy

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5. Avatar

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6. The Simpsons

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7. Wall-e

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8. I’m sure you’re familiar with this.

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9. Sonic

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10. Ninja Turtles?

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11. This is…

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12. From the pole.

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13. Toothless

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14. The epic of them all.

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15. Lol!

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16. Sailor Moon

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17. Star Wars’ Darth Vader

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18. Spongebob Squarepants

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19. Optimus Prime

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20. Spidey

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21. Iron Man

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22. R2-D2 and Friends

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23. So hilarious

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24. Wonderwoman

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25. Wait what?!

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H/T: Klyker

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