Would You Believe Me If I Tell You That These Amazing Photos Of Cookies And Candies Are Arranged By Hands? Unbelievable

We all know that food and architecture are different fields. One is for our body’s nourishment and one’s for the infrastucture and design. But a photographer named Sam Kaplan have found a way to merge these two different fields into one fascinating art. He and his team created a structure from series of candeis and cookies arranged solely by hand.

Many of us will say that these structures are Photoshopped but Sam assured us that these are made by hands alone. So impressive!

Here are some photos of Sam Kaplan’s work making fascinating structures out of candies and cookies arranged by hand.







I can only imagine the patience and skills of the people who made these amazing structure. Just WOW!
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(h/t: wherecoolthingshappen )

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