These Dogs Lining Up For Their Food Are More Patient Than You

Be patient. All good things come to those who wait” as they say. Well, it’s true. You don’t need to rush things because things happen for the right time with the right purpose. If you don’t know how to wait, you don’t deserve what people might give.

Follow what these dogs are doing- remarkable patience and discipline by lining up for food with bowls in their mouths. Unbelievable, isn’t it? But dogs can be trained to do extraordinary things like sniffing for bombs or learning to turn lights on and off. These dogs in China know when to behave and wait for their time. Thumbs up!

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Border patrol service dogs waiting in line to get dinner. Finland, circa 1940

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Ever seen dogs like them? Let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment below and if you like this post, share this to your friends online to cheer them up like you always do.

H/T: BoredPanda

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