This Dog Is Afraid Of The Slippery Floor

We can’t deny that there’s really something even if it’s so simple or so complicated which or who makes us feel scared and afraid. Since we are afraid of it, we can’t deny that our reactions are really funny when other people sees us. But still, we really don’t care. Are you like that too?

Somehow, this dog on the video can actually best show it. This is about a dog who is afraid of the slippery floor. Really, she is afraid of the slippery floor. Perhaps, it may be because she don’t want to slide in it or just the floor is just itchy when he steps on it. Watch her funny reaction and her effort just to stay away from it on the video below.

Actually, the floor doesn’t really look that it’s very slippery. It’s just that the dog is not used to it. But then, she took it a try and somehow managed to walk in it. As such, she already started to conquer her fear. Yet it looks like she still needs an enough effort to master it. At the end, we can’t actually deny that this dogs reaction is really funny right? How was it?

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