Here are the fruits that people think are vegetables
Some people might think that these foods are considered vegetables but in reality, they are classified as fruits.
The misconceptions might start from the fact that they’re not sweet because the level of natural sugars in them are low and people who cooked them put them in the vegetable category.
Here are the fruits that are often called or labeled vegetables.
Olives – A fruit is described as the part that comes from the mature ovary of a plant and the ovary is found in the flower. Olives are a fruit because they come from the flower of the olive tree.
Eggplant – It is not eaten raw and mostly it is cooked and part of a certain dish. Because of this, eggplant is perceived as a vegetable. In reality, aside from being under the fruits category, they are considered berries.
Pumpkins and Squash – They’re technically fruits because they start from a flower on a vine that requires pollination to grow.
Cucumbers – They are closely related to pumpkins and squash, so, they are also fruits.
Green Beans – These are commonly called vegetables, especially by parents who want their kids to include “healthy” items in their food. However, these are designated under the fruit category.
Okra – Okra’s entire seed-packed pod is edible and can grow up to a length of seven inches. This is also labeled by many people as a vegetable but it is really a fruit.
Peppers – People might wonder why pepper is included in this list. It might be difficult for many people to think that something that is spicy could be a fruit. However, technically speaking it is a fruit. This goes also with bell pepper with a sweet side.
In some instances, You May Have Known These Fruits But Maybe Not In Their English Names.